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Wednesday, January 26, 2011



Happy belated New Year and Happy Coming Chinese New Year to Malaysian chinese and around the world to whom that celebrate CNY.. Its a new year and a new day and January is passing by... time is just like a machine gun...

I am struggling building my questionnaire for the food handlers that i am going to collect my data at 4 zones that i stratified randomly as samples which will cover Kedah, Selangor, Pahang and Melaka states.. Why just 4? Well, each state represent each zones: North, East, West and South... Well, in term of monetary also is limited and time contraints... Oh! gosh...With God permission (Insyallah) i will start this coming March...hope things go as it plans...

I can feel the tense of making this questionnaire because i am losing a lot of time ( a lot of holiday maaa such as CNY etc...-holiday is family day)  ...and i am struggling to come out with ideas what i want to present at Jacksonville, Florida on November 2011 although i hv 10 months  to go... but the closing date to submit my proposal is on 15th February 2011.. Aaaahhhhhh!      I want to be there... never been there before... ;p   huhuhu....

But thinking of making good deeds for my nation (Hahhaha!) I have to move on... Life have to go on... although a lot of obstacle coming through...what a lonely journey for me  BUT i am glad that with my precious 2 daughters and a son have given me joy and hope that what Mommy is doing right now is for the best of them in the future... Love you all...Opss sorry to my dear Hubby that is very supportive...

Continue back on the topic.... from my observation, there are lots of new primary school coming up... and the canteen also quite impressive... (Just my observation from far).. Base on my lack of experience in observing from far not using binocular.. the canteen is much better than before...

No worries, my friend.. i am going to start collecting data soon. Hoping that the Ministry of Education send the approval letter for me to visit... (still waiting).. maybe i will attach pic on the recent school canteen but i cannot reveal all because as suppose it will betray my research ethics...(what a nerd!) hehehe...

Well as i mention before.... hope that our school canteen in Malaysia is not going to be stagnant... I wish with my effort and other researchers that have interest in school canteen will help to make it better and safer...

Let us transform ourselve for a better life or better become a transformer autobot?? i right?? for sure may say that what the H*LL am i talking about... please place a forgiveness on my statement   ;p  which you should know that my level of thinking is miserable...

P.s: if you ask me why am i doing this silly research.. well i have kids... they are going to school one day... Hope that they can get good and safe meals (comfort food)  although they are at schools... we as working parents hope the best for them although we have a very short time to be with them... Do you know that children spend more time at school than at home... same as us laa ...

take care

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that someone cares enough about our country to try and change the schools and work for all the student's well being. I agree with you on the topic of schools canteen offering unhealthy food to students as I am a student myself who's been to three secondary schools so far (I switched around a little) and most of the food they offer are oily. The ministry seems to have mentioned trying to change this, but there's no more news ever since the article on the ban of Nasi Lemak in school. I wonder why they bother bringing it up if they're going to be dragging it...

    Well, good luck on the research!
